Champu, Chhanda & Odissi music (CCO) Compitition

Preamble about Champu, Chhanda and Odissi music
Odissi music belongs to the genre of Classical music of India and has its origin in the state of Odisha. Out of five main branches of Indian Classical music such as Avanti, Panchali, Udramagadhi, Hindustani and Carnatic, Udramagadhi exists in the form of Odissi music. Odissi songs traditionally depict the love and frolics of Radha and Lord Krishna. The classical Odissi dance is also performed with Odissi music. All songs of Odissi are sung in specific ‘Raagas’ and ‘Taals‘. The typical singing style of Odissi starts with a short ‘Aalap’, followed by the main song ‘Prabandha’. ‘Taan’ is used in the form of ’Sargam’ and it usually comes at the end of the song. It is set to the beats and pauses of the ‘Taal‘. Most of the Odissi songs are written by the renowned lyricists such as Jayadev, Kavisamrat Upendra Bhanja, Banamali, Deenakrushna, Kavisurya Baladev Rath, Gopalakrushna, Birakishore Dev etc.

‘Kavya’ with admixture of both prose and poem are known as Champu. In a Champu composition, every stanza starts with the same alphabet. This is sung in ‘Raaga’ and ‘Tala‘. There is no Taan in this style of singing. Cilck Play to listen to a Champu here:
The main characteristic of these verses is the stress on rhythm. Every ‘Pada’ of a Chhanda is sung in the same swara. Singers sing from the Odia language epics of Ramayana, Mahabharata and from the Indian Puranas. Cilck Play to listen to a Chhanda here:
Champu, Chhanda and Odissi(CCO) Competition – Vocal
Following the last two OSA conventions, Odissi, Champu and Chhanda music competition is being part of one of the various competitions to be held during this year’s OSA convention at Columbus, OH. This competition is to promote and recognize the classical singing of Odia musical treasures including Odissi, Champu and Chhanda by young Odias in North America. This program is conceived by Mrs. Lata Misra.
Eligibility for CCO Vocal
- There are two age groups for participants: 1- Junior (7 to 12 yrs old) and 2- Senior (13 to 18 yrs old)
- Participants must be registered for the OSA convention through individual or family registration
- Multiple Participants belong to any particular OSA Chapter are allowed

Rules & Regulation
- Each participant is required to fill out the cultural sign up form . For any further inquiries, please contact
- Each participant can chose any one type of song from Odissi, Champu and Chhanda
- All Participants must participate for a rehearsal with Harmonium and Tabla accompanists, just one day before the convention at the convention place. Convention cultural committee will arrange the accompanists. The venue/time will be intimated to all participants through email or phone.
- Participant can sing the song in the competition by memorizing the song or direct reading the song
- Each participants can perform a maximum of 4 minutes
- All participants have to seat together at the competition dais
- Participants can practice the song on their own or if he/she is interested, can rightly contact the convention cultural coordinator ( to buy Odissi, Champu & Chhanda Audio and Karaoke CDs, sang by renowned Odissi singer Nazia Alam.
- A panel of three judges with decent knowledge of Odissi/Champu/Chhanda music will judge the competition
- Judges decisions are final
- Any questions about the CCO Competition can be emailed to
- Cash prizes will be awarded to the participants for each group
- Additionaly certificates will be given to all the participants by the Convention cultural committee.
Champu, Chhanda and Odissi(CCO) Competition – Instrumental
OSA is proud to introduce a CCO instrumental competition at OSA Convention 2015. This will provide our children that play instruments with a platform to showcase their talent. Instruments such as the flute, violin, harmonium, guitar, etc. are encouraged. Please note that percussion instruments such as the tabla, drums, pakhawaj etc. are not included in this competition.
Eligibility, Rules and Regulation for Instrumental Competition
- To start this year there will be one age group between 12 and 18 years old.
- A minimum of 5 participants required for the competition.
- Participants must be registered for the OSA convention through individual or family registration.
- Each participant is required to fill out the cultural sign up form . For any further inquiries, please contact
- Each participant can choose any one type of song from Odissi, Champu and Chhanda to play on instruments.
- Participant can choose to play with live accompaniment (Harmonium, Tabla or Pakhawaj) or play on a karaoke track.
- Participants who choose to play with live accompaniment will get a chance for rehearsal just one day before convention at the convention place. Convention cultural committee will arrange the accompanists. The venue/time will be intimated to all participants through email or phone.
- Participants who choose to play with a Karaoke track, need to submit the music with Signup form. The karaoke track needs to be in a format that can be played on a Standard CD player.
- Each participant can perform for a maximum of 4 minutes.
- All Participants may have to seat together on the stage, until their name is called to perform.
- A panel of three judges with decent knowledge of Odissi/Champu/Chhanda music will judge the competition. The judgment will be done in 3 areas 1 – Sur, 2 – Taal and Laya and 3 – Presentation and Improvisation.
- Judges decisions are final.
- Any questions about the OCC competition can be emailed to
- Cash prizes will be awarded to the winners.
- Additionally certificates will be given to all the participants by the Convention cultural committee.