
OSA’s membership is open to any person eighteen years of age or more, interested in the stated objectives of the article. Membership fee is the primary source of income and membership is the most important asset for OSA. Membership has been broadly categorized as benefactors, patrons, life members, 5-year members and annual members. We whole-heartedly encourage you to be a part of this organization.
- To access existing member profile: Sign-in here
- To register for new membership: Sign-up here
- To mail a new membership sign-up form & check instead please contact us

Membership Types
The following membership types are available. To encourage membership drive, the Executive Committee may temporarily reduce the amount for any category of membership through written notification to the general membership (By-Law I). Membership form is available from OSA webpage. Annual members are requested to renew their annual membership or upgrade their membership by July 1st to keep continuity. Annual members that do not renew their membership within one month grace period (by August 1st) would loss their membership benefits. For any membership questions please contact OSA Secretary or the Treasurer.
Please Click here to became a new Member
Benefactor | Patron | Life Membership | Annual Membership | 5-year membership | |
Family | $1000 | $600 | $200 | $40 | $100 |
Individuals | $1000 | $600 | $200 | $20 | $100 |
Membership Year
Annual membership is valid through OSA fiscal year (July 1st through June 30th). New annual members signing up towards the end of OSA fiscal year should keep in mind that their membership will expire on June 30th. OSA encourages its members to join in early to get full year’s benefit or to consider becoming Life members.
Member’s Role
Please see our Statement of Member Rights and Privileges to fully understand the terms and conditions of membership in OSA.
As a member of OSA you have a significant role for the success and reputation of the organization. You have many rights and also duties towards the organization.
Your rights are included in the benefits section such as:
1) Right to vote,
2) Right to nominate and be nominated for awards,
3) Right to nominate and be nominated for OSA executive positions etc.
However, rights do not come handy, they come with responsibilities. Please be aware of the following responsibilities.
Note: Membership in OSA is voluntary, i.e., on at-will basis. OSA will not be legally responsible for any member’s personal problems with other members or dissatisfaction with the organization.

As a good member, you should:
- Read OSA constitution and by-laws and this handbook, and be familiar with OSA procedures, benefits, rules and regulations.
- Always remember the member’s promise and adhere to the values
- Respect every member; and always stay within the ethical limits
- Be sincere to pass on any comments/suggestions/evaluations of OSA and its activities to authorized people
- When you plan to share your views on OSA with a large group of people, such as members of OSAnet or other networks, make sure you are addressing every member in that group. If your message is not able to address the whole group, then please consider to send it to which it would fit.
- Please discuss the issues, not the people
- Be vigilant for OSA activities. If you see something is not done that should be done, please bring it to the attention of the respective authorities.
- If you see any mistakes by some officials/members, please bring it to their attention without sending public comments with inappropriate adjectives.
- Give authorities enough time to respond. At least one week must be given for initial response.
- Participate in discussions, OSA activities and help OSA prosper.
- Vote in every election
- As a member you have the right to nominate efficient OSA members for various positions.
- As a member you can nominate able members for various awards. If you find somebody that deserves recognition, please exercise your duty.
- Attend OSA convention, participate in convention activities, volunteer if requested to volunteer, support the convention financially as well as physically.
- If you reside in a place that has a local chapter, please become a member of the local chapter and be involved in local chapter activities.
- Always work so that you contribute towards honor, happiness and health of OSA.
- Please check the responsibilities/duties in various OSA roles and if you play in a role, play it effectively.
For any questions, comments, queries, please contact the respective OSA officials.
Member Ethics
Members constitute the core of the organization. Thus member ethics are highly important for the identity of the organization and the identity of Odia culture. We thus request all the members to maintain high ethical standard in all business related to their OSA involvement.
- Respect, Respect, Respect. Respect each other member, respect yourself and respect the organization, its rules, its procedures and its standards.
- Public Communications: While publicizing OSA events such as Annual Convention, cultural performances, achievement of OSA members and OSA developmental activities in other mediums are highly recommended, we expect members to strictly limit the discussion of any OSA issues to OSA forum only, and absolutely do not discuss OSA issues in other forums. While discussing OSA issues in OSA forums such as OSAnet, please discuss issues only, not individuals.
- Representing OSA: Unless authorized by OSA executives, please refrain from representing OSA and giving public statements on behalf of OSA.
- Conflicts of Interest: There are many activities that have the potential for conflicts of interest. You may do something without being aware of its relationship to some types of conflicts. Please take quick action to correct any errors.
- Personal Bias: You may have personal bias, liking or disliking for specific OSA members. Please do not let that become a factor to influence your judgment in organizational matters. Please be objective while judging issues and analyze facts, not the people.
- OSA Events: We expect every member to be respectful to other members in every OSA event and OSA medium. Please be assertive in stating your concerns and giving comments/suggestions. Please use proper gesture, tone and words.
- Appropriate Behavior: OSA urges its members to behave professionally and appropriately in all OSA events, forum discussions and communications. Ethical violation includes behavior such as derogatory remarks, chain emails with uncivilized language, character assassination, harassment letters, lawsuits, physical harm and actions of similar nature.
- Nurture the Organization: Nurture our organization to grow. Be caring for 2nd and 3rd generation Odias and the new immigrants from Odisha.
Address Update
If your name or address is not appeared correctly in the latest OSA directory or if you want to make any changes please follow the procedure outlined in the membership update document. You can also contact OSA treasurer or your local chapter president. You may send us an email too.