Membership Benefits

Benefits of OSA membership
Please see our Statement of Member Rights and Privileges to fully understand the terms and conditions of membership in OSA. Current 200 dollars one-time fee for life-membership is less than 60 cents per day for next one year, it’s a no brainer to take this opportunity to sign up and become a life member of OSA. Once a life member, benefits of OSA can be enjoyed no matter where you live.
All the following benefits are available to OSA permanent members (life members, patrons, benefactors). Annual and 5-yr members are requested to upgrade their membership to avail all the membership benefits. The major benefit of OSA membership is more psychological than material. It’s the satisfaction of belongingness, being a part of our community and cultural identity.

Following are benefits for OSA members:
- Vote in election and other OSA matters
- No more membership fee payment to attend OSA convention
- Every OSA member is eligible to get assistance in times of emergencies. OSA provides all sorts of logistical support in government level both here as well as in India that includes contacting embassies, local officials, hospitals, travel arrangement, funds collection for any victim’s family etc.
- Get annual souvenir and directory in book format or CD format (for permanent members)
- Can nominate people for awards (permanent OSA members)
- Can be nominated for awards (permanent OSA members)
- Can run for chapter office all positions (should reside within chapter boundary) (for permanent members)
- Can run for OSA National office (permanent OSA members)
- Can initiate fundraising for good causes through OSA
- Children are eligible for awards and cultural participation
- Have networking facilities (now through OSAnet – in future networking facilities may change