OSA Higher Education & Research Team


OSA – Higher Education and Research Team (HEART) is an intellectual endeavor by OSA (Orissa Society of the Americas) to promote higher education, collaborative research, training and other programs of mutual interest and benefits between Odisha Universities and North American Universities/Institutions. OSA HEART helps and guides the OSA member families in admission, research internship and mentorship in higher education. At present, the OSA Higher Education Committee members are highly committed towards achieving the goals.




  • Helping students from Odisha Universities/Institutes for higher studies in US/Canada.
  • Establish specific student/faculty exchange program between Universities in US/Canada & Odisha.
  • MoU & tangible next steps between Odisha & US/Canada Universities for collaborative research, joint study program etc. for mutual benefit.
  • Help OSA families to support the students to select universities for higher education, research internship, scholarships and other related topics.

Want to stay connected with OSA Higher Education Initiatives or have a question on webinars, seminars, internships, university admission, mentorship (students and young faculty), scholarships or international exchange please contact us.

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Several OSA Higher Education activities were carried out recently. There were seminars and panel discussions were mostly focused on the improvement of public universities of Odisha. May VCs of the universities and Government of Odisha officials attended these seminars.

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Complied list of academicians from Odisha origin in different universities in the United State representing multiple disciplines. The list is being updated regularly.


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OSA Higher Education Team

  • Durga Mishra – NY/NJ/PA, Lead
  • Chitta Baral – AZ, Advisory
  • Prashant Mohapatra – CA
  • Debakanta Mishra
  • Debashish Sahoo
  • Ram Prasad Mahapatra
  • Chandan Samantray